
Putting Things in Perspective

I think we as human beings like being melodramatic. At each new point in our life we like to throw up our hands and say, "Good gracious -- life is stinking hard!" I mean, I've only really probably gone through a few stages thus far but I remember thinking in the prime of my teenage years that no one understood just how difficult it was to be a teenager in the 90's. We had it rough: no war, the Internet was being created by Al Gore, and Bill Clinton was leading us to unfathomable economic prosperity of untold measure. What is a hormonally driven teenager to do?

Now I'm twenty-five and I've finally transitioned out of college and into the working world. Life is filled with new complications as the hormones have slightly dampered and I now have more concern about my future: where will I live, who will I marry, must I become a monk at 35? All valid and reasonable concerns.

But then I went to Tealridge today, the assisted living home near Oklahoma Christian, for a mid-afternoon worship service and I realized that I was just another player in God's great game known as our physical life. Each stage of our life is filled with new challenges, and its our responsibility to handle them with joy, wonder and amazement.

I mean, seriously, one day I'll have to deal with a child who will be the first human being who has ever successfully messed with my sleep cycle. Those will be trying days for sure! And, shortly after that I'll be scheduled for my mid-life crisis in which I'll have to go buy a Honda Accord 2026 to make me feel better about myself. What fun times I have to look forward to!

My point is this: appreciate the stage you are at and live it to the fullest. God is rather ingenious with us on this point, because if we live out each time frame in our life with faith we will continually mature and grow. I did not arrive at 16 when I could finally drive, and nor have I arrived at 25 now that I have a good job and Mr. Honda.

There is a reason for each stage and that is for God to work on you. Even admist being single and perhaps facing uncertainty and loneliness, God is using that time to develop dependency on Him and perhaps even weaken dependency on others.

No, I have not arrived. I won't arrive till I hit my final destination. What a journey its going to be though!


Anonymous said...

"Each stage of our life is filled with new challenges, and its our responsibility to handle them with joy, wonder and amazement."

"appreciate the stage you are at and live it to the fullest."

amen brotha.

Anonymous said...

Great post. I too echo the points Marc highlighted. It's easy for me to forget that sometimes.

Anonymous said...

i am glad that others can appreciate or even make the conscious effort to appreciate where they are in life. that is one of the most magnificent gifts available for the taking!

Anonymous said...

Blake I am almost finished Jimmy Carter's Endadgered Values and really liked it. If you want to know my political views he pretty much sums them up. If you are every really bored and want to read it I would love to hear you thoughts-- I am interested in what someone who doesn't always agree with me thinks of the book!